Progress gay bar chicago

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Magic and comedy are often close associates and Chicago has a historic roots in both. Enjoy an extensive and creative cocktail menu, along with diva-licious entertainment all evening long. The Kit Kat Lounge is a vibe and a half, and a great place for groups. If you’re not drinking a martini and wondering how the drag queen at your table nailed her contoured makeup, you’re not doing Northalsted right. Meet the divas at Kit Kat Lounge & Supper Club Here are just a few of the best things to eat, drink, and do in Chicago’s Northalsted neighborhood. The neighborhood has also become well-known for its dynamic nightlife, along with an eclectic assortment of bars, restaurants, businesses, and theatres. The vibrant stretch of that spans roughly a mile along North Halsted Street in Chicago’s Lakeview neighborhood is famous for being a welcoming and progressive space for the LGBTQ+ community and beyond. Northalsted (also known as Boystown) is known around the world as the oldest official recognized gay neighborhood in the country.

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